Updates and News March 4

Hello Friends and Colleagues,

We hope this finds you safe and doing well. 

The BACP (Business Affairs and Consumer Protection) group at the Chicago Mayor’s office hosted a great webinar today on navigating the new and current COVID-19 restrictions for events, restaurants and businesses. 

We have a call with them tomorrow so please email us with any questions or clarifications you would like us to ask on our call with them.

You can find the replay here on their You Tube page. It has a great walk thru of the regulations and requirements for events, weddings and businesses. We recommend you all take 35 minutes to watch this webinar and it also has a lot of question and answers at the end pertaining to the event industry. 

Some highlights here:

-Event capacity: Indoor and Outdoor events capped at 50 guests. 

-Guests must be seated when eating or drinking. So cocktail hours with mingling is not allowed. 

-Tables should have be 6 guests maximum. 

-Buffets are allowed but servers would need to serve guests.

-All guests unless seated and actively eating or drinking should have masks on. 

Current Guidelines Links

Please continue to stay educated on the current regulations to help educate your clients and your fellow wedding professionals. 

Guidelines from the Governors office for State of Illinois 

Guidelines for Chicago 


We will be hosting a Clubhouse chat next week. Stay tuned on social media fordetails! 

Thank you! Stay safe, stay well and please continue to follow the Illinois event guidelines and lead with compassion! 

Ali Phillips, Michelle Durpetti and Collin Pierson

Email: info@ileventscoalition.com


News on Guidelines March 8th


Update 12/21/20 Top-line summary of the new agreement